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That old attachment you’ve recently let go of is your first step.  Now comes the part where you really need to go into that broken heart and be with your feelings.  It requires you to dive deep and look for a leak you thought you healed, but in reality, you only buried beneath a sea of grief.  Yes, congratulations are in order for letting go, and the Divine Feminine celebrates with you.  She also is here for you when you are ready to go within and find that wound that is leaking, and allowing grief and loneliness to permeate your life.  This energy keeps you stuck, paralyzed, in fear of moving forward, and in fear of letting someone else in.


There are times to be, and there are times to do.  This is the time for you to be.  Specifically, to be in your Heart.  Feel your feelings.  Find the old wound you thought you had healed, and go back in time to the you that was heartbroken, and give yourself Love, compassion, and comfort.  Put your arms around yourself, and hold yourself close, as you would hold someone you love more than anyone else in the world – feel that love for yourself.  Make the time to write in a journal, your past heartbreaks, or even what you’re going through now, or know you are about to go through, which perhaps has you grieving before it’s even time.


Once you become aware of where the leak is – which heartbreak was not fully healed – spend time in your Heart, feeling the pain, writing out all the thoughts and feelings you still have, and crying it out.  Then, go back in time and find the lesson in it.  Take the lesson and put it in your safe place.  Write it in your journal.  Place it into your Heart.  Then breathe into your Heart space – breathe Light into the leak, into the tear, that Love and Light may heal the broken heart and seal the leak.  Then, when you are ready, go out and have some fun, and allow yourself to be open to new Love, in any form it appears in – whether it’s a new friend, a new pet, a new lover or soul mate – perhaps even a new activity or location… whatever it is, let it in.  Remember that when you are in your Heart, both you and your Heart are safe.  Most of all, let in the Love that is You – the Love your Soul has for you.  It’s time for you to shine.


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