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The dream of your new love is fresh in your mind as you awaken and wonder when he will arrive.  Was that real?  Was that a sign of your soul mate coming nearer?  Yes, indeed that is the case.  Get your life ready for your new love.  He awaits you now.  Love is in the air!


Getting your life ready for your soul mate’s entrance requires a couple of things.  First, it’s time to make some space for his (or her) presence.  Pick the side of the bed you want to sleep on, and then start sleeping on that one side, imagining that he (or she) is there with you on the other side.  Make some space in your closet, and in your dressers, for his things.  Imagine what foods he likes, and when you go shopping, remember to pick up what he likes.  Start behaving as if he is already part of your life.  Feel as if you are already in love.  Indulge in romance – you don’t need a partner for this.  Buy yourself roses.  Take yourself out to dinner and a movie.  Enjoy your own company for a walk along the beach.  Everything you would do with your partner-to-come, do that with yourself.  Fall in love with you… fall in love with life… just be in love.


This also includes letting go of past relationships.  Are you still married to someone else, in your heart, even though you split up a long time ago?  Is part of you still holding onto the one you left behind?  Does part of you believe he will still come back for you?  Do you feel like you are cheating on him (or her) if you go on a date with somebody else?  Whether it be a breakup, or the death of your loved one, whatever the reason for the split, the time has come for you to truly let him (or her) go.  Write a goodbye letter to that one.  Get your closure.  Just as you are urged to make space in your life for your soul mate to appear, you are asked to make space in your heart for your new love.  Be open to love in all its forms.


The Divine Feminine also reminds us that, while love is in the air, love comes from inside you.  It comes from within your heart.  It is not time, but Love, which heals wounds and broken hearts.  Pay special attention to your own needs, to loving yourself unconditionally.  You can’t give what you don’t have – and that includes Love.  Love yourself with all that you are.  Pay attention to your thoughts.  Remember to catch yourself when you think something that doesn’t feel good, and ask yourself, was that thought loving towards me?  If it was not, then apologize to yourself for that thought, thank yourself for your patience as you learn to be more loving towards yourself, and think a truly loving thought about yourself.  Extend that love to others by thinking loving thoughts towards them as well.


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