The Divine Feminine message for us today is one of faith, belief, understanding, compassion, and action. It is time to spread your wings. Transformation is upon us right now, and it’s infinitely important for us to keep our minds focused on what we intend to create. We are assured that abundance and prosperity are ours for the receiving – we just need to be open to receiving. Let all thoughts of financial worry go, and know with every fiber of your being, that your financial support is assured. Do not, let me repeat, DO NOT put your energy into worry. This is a crucial point. We are very, very powerful beings, and we are literally creating what we think about as we go along. As Earth moves into higher frequencies, as we move closer and closer to the Central Sun, veils are thinning, and we are, right now, deciding which Earth we are creating. Are we going to put our energy into the old 3D Earth, as the bifurcation process unfolds? Are we going to focus on the dark, dense energies of fear, worry, anxiety, and lack? Or are we going to choose to go with Earth into 5D by co-creating a New Earth, and let our focus be on our new reality, which is prosperous, free, and joyful? Transformation is upon us, and it’s vital that we choose our thoughts very carefully right now.
Expect prosperity right now. Expect abundance. Expect windfalls of money. Expect every wonderful thing you wish for. Notice the abundance within yourself – new ideas springing forth, messages you’re receiving in dreams, your visions, and feel the feelings that go with them. Feel as if you are falling in love. Feel as if you won the lottery. Luxuriate in the realness of your fantasies and let them come to life. This is the time to know that what you dream of is already yours. Allow it to be, without old fears and worries blocking the way. Why would you project those fears onto your beautiful, prosperous future? Leave all those worries behind, let them go – you don’t have anything to worry about. Have absolute faith that your dream is being actualized. Ask for help in any area of your life where you need support and assistance. We are in this together!
Transformation, itself, is a time that feels uncertain – so keep this in mind as we move forward. Yes, it can feel scary the first time you discover your wings. How does a caterpillar feel, after it goes into its cocoon and comes out with wings? Do you suppose it wonders how to fly, the first time it spreads its wings? Do you suppose it might feel a little scary, the first time it takes flight? Be patient with yourself. Be compassionate. Understand that endings are part of life, and they are necessary so that we can have our new beginnings. Just let it happen. If you can see the brightness of your future, hold it firm in your thoughts, without letting fears and worries of lacking distract you, then you will adjust with ease and grace to the new life you are about to embark upon. Let go of the old – you need to move on to the new. Your prayers are being answered, but it does involve letting go of what no longer serves you so that you can accept that which you have asked for. Surrender to your becoming. It’s all part of our transformation. Spread your wings, and fly.
I am really enjoying these daily reading, and look forward to them each morning. The youtube versions are so calming, as your voice is beautifully powerful!!!
Thank you! <3 <3 <3